Yes, I have auto fill turned on.  What I was wanting to work on is more 
efficiently arriving at a contact name to phone them or share their phone 
number, etc.

Thanks so much!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Colin M" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Colin M" <>
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: some newbie mac questions - item chooser

Hi Marliana!
Also if your happy with all the info in your address book you do not need to 
use it directly, if I understand one of the things you want to do is add 
names to a new message or to a message you want to forward!
Both of these tasks can be done from within mail!
If when in mail and you start a new message with the command [command+n] 
then use the command ]command+option+a] this will bring up your address 
panel and all you have to do is interact with the name table and choose the 
names you need!
there are a couple of ways to do this!
You can firstly just type the first few letters of the name you want then 
stop interacting  and then scroll left to the [ to field] and just press 
vo+space bar and that name will be put in there for you and just repeat that 
to add any more names [ just for a few names only]
secondly you can interact with the name table and if you have a lot of names 
that you want to use that are back to back with no other names in between 
them just go to the first of the names  and hold down the shift key then 
without letting it up just go down the names with the down arrow until you 
get to the last name you want then release both shift and down arrow and vo 
should say something like 13 rows selected then like before stop interacting 
and scroll left to the [ to field] and just vo+space bar on that and all 
them names will be put in there for you!
[ sorry this is so long :] ]
There is also a way to select names that do not follow each other I can not 
remember it proply for now but I'll get back to you on this unless someone 
else does :]
thirdly you have the option to have the names auto fill as you type them in 
your message headers [to field]
this might  be already on so set  up a message and go to the ]to field] and 
interact with it and type a address you know and it should fill the whole 
thing for you if so and it is the one you want then just press return and 
then you can start typing another and if thats right then again press return 
and so on till your done!
fill in subject field  and message then send!
are you still awake sorry!
Colin hth
p.s. there is a little more later if you want
On 4 Nov 2010, at 21:37, Tim Kilburn wrote:

> Hi Marlaina,
> Here's another option for using Address Book.
> • Navigate to the Groups Table.
> 2.  Select the first item, All contacts.
> 3.  Stop Interacting With the Groups Table.
> 4.  Navigate to the Names Table and Interact with it.
> 5.  Press the first couple letters of the first name of the person you 
> wish.
> 6.  Stop Interacting With the Names Table.
> 7.  Navigate right to the Contact Information Scroll area.
> If you simply wish to look at a contacts info, just Interact with that 
> Scroll area and you can hear everything that you have regarding this 
> contact.  If you wish to edit this info in any fashion, do the following:
> 1.  Navigate past the Scroll area until you hear "Edit Card Unchecked 
> Checkbox".
> 2.  Check it with VO-space.
> 3.  Navigate back to the Scroll area and Interact with it.
> You can now modify this card.  Also, because that checkbox is now checked, 
> if you choose another name from the Names Table, you could modify it as 
> well.  You could also use this method if you have a specific Group 
> selected from the Groups Table.  Note that if you edit the card when 
> you're within a specific Group, it will also edit the card within the All 
> Contacts area.
> HTH.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
> -- 
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