Thanks for passing this article along. I think that, for the most part, this 
article was fair. They seem to point out both positives and negatives of the 
product which is good. 
The only area where I have some problems with the article, is that they made to 
big of a deal about activating voiceover through Itunes. This is not that hard 
since it is accessible on both mac and windows, and requires all of two seconds 
to do. Other than that, it's pretty good. 


On Apr 20, 2010, at 12:18 PM, marie Howarth wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Thought I'd put this article out there for everyone to discuss. I will be 
> writing a blog on my opinions of this article shortly. But here it is for you 
> all to read.
> It's an article done by the RNIB which is the national charity for the blind 
> in the UK. You need to download the article, its in word format but will read 
> on text edit and such on the mac.
> thanks
> -- 
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