Thanks for the tip, Brad. Unfortunately I found the Blind Side series in Apple 
podcasts, but not every episode was available, at least for me. However, Dave 
Mason did a podcast on Applevis specifically addressing the differences between 
unlocking the iPhone and using the app switcher on phones with or without Face 




From: <> On 
Behalf Of Bradford Snyder
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2024 4:49 PM
To: MacVisionaries <>
Subject: Re: Initial Setup Of My New iPhone 16 Pro




Something that may help you in learning your new iPhone 16 Pro, is a podcast 
Jonathan Mosen did on unboxing and setup of his new iPhone X, which was the 
first iPhone that did not have a Home Button.

In this podcast, Jonathan goes over setting up the iPhone X, and learning the 
new gestures.  He also demonstrates setting up FaceID and lots of other tips 
for getting familiar with the new iPhone without a Home button.


The podcast is episode 61, from his Blind Side podcast, from November 2, 2017.

You should be able to find it by searching in any podcast app.



- Brad -


On Oct 7, 2024, at 17:58, 
<>  wrote:


OK I’m getting there I think. I’ve restored my 16 Pro from a backup of my 3rd 
gen SE. Now, only thing I can’t seem to do is get the srequired swipe gestures 
to work for unlocking the phone. Raising the phone does wake it up  and I get 
the unlock screen, and I can get to a point where I can get VO to say “swipe to 
unlock”, but no matter how hard or where I try swiping, I can’t unlock it. Each 
swipe selects a rotor item. I don’t have Face ID set up just yet, but it does 
have the pass code from my old phone. Where might I be going wrong here? I’d 
like to be able to at least get to the point where I can enter my pass code.


Thanks for any help,




From: <>  
< <> > On 
Behalf Of Herbie Allen
Sent: Monday, October 7, 2024 12:53 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: Initial Setup Of My New iPhone 16 Pro


Try hitting the lock screen button. For me at least, that has bypassed that 
from the start. If that does not work, then double tap anywhere on the screen 
and that should take you to the next window. You can confirm the language from 
that screen.

On Oct 7, 2024, at 14:31, 
<>  wrote:


I really feel sheepish, so please forgive this very basic dilemma I’m in. I’ve 
turned on my iPhone 16 Pro and activated Voiceover. I tapped OK on the 
announcement of all the gestures, but now I can’t get past the Hello screen! 
It’s telling me to swipe up with one finger to open, but I can’t get it to stop 
on English. I guess it’s been too long since I’ve set up a new phone, and this 
is the first one I’ve gotten with Face ID. What am I missing to get past this 
first screen?


Somewhat embarrassed,

Pete De Vasto


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