Hi Andrew,

        Thanks for the explanation and your directions on how you dragged the 
fish icon into the table. 

        I’ll remember to try that going forward.  In a past operating system on 
my Mac I could not get the steps to work, but I was lazy this time and didn’t 
even try.  I need to remember that things do change and usually improve with 

Generally CCC, Carbon Copy cloner has worked well for me and I find it easy to 
navigate.  It has also saved me big time at least once when  I needed to 
restore my laptop disk from the clone.

Nice to know that at lease two good options are out there.  But, Hopefully 
Super Duper doesn’t also require the security table challenge. 


Eric Caron 

> On Mar 16, 2020, at 5:11 PM, 'Andrew Lamanche' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> The problem with CCC is not theirs but Apple’s requirement to grant full 
> access to the disk.  I’ve managed to overcome it by actually using drag and 
> drop of the image with Voiceover.  It worked although I can’t remember 
> whether it worked immediately.  once Vo was focused on the image to drag, I 
> routed mouse to voiceover cursor, performed mouse down with 
> vo+command+shift+spacebar, then moved to the system preferences security  
> interacted with the table of apps allowed full access, then routed the mouse 
> to voiceover again and then released the Mouse with the same shortcut key 
> combo as above.
> Andrew
>> On 16 Mar 2020, at 02:44, Eric Caron <eric.caro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Robert and others. 
>>      I just found I still had this thread in my messages so I wanted to add 
>> that I don’t have experience with Super Duper but if I were starting over 
>> I’d use that app over Carbon Copy Cloner.  The reason is the VO support 
>> Robert mentions.
>>      I’ve had good luck with CCC but the developer doesn’t seem to go out of 
>> his way to make sure the app is fully accessible.  Recent experience after 
>> upgrading my Mac was that I had to set up CCC again to have full access to 
>> my hard drive.  This required dragging a fish icon to the table in the 
>> security settings.
>>      I remember years ago writing to the developer asking for another 
>> solution.  He sent me a reply but it was not workable.  So, in the end I 
>> used sighted help.
>> It sounds like Super Duper would not have this issue and likely be easier to 
>> use.
>> I will say the CCC clone worked perfectly when I needed it, so having a 
>> bootable clone in your back up solution is something I’d recommend.
>> Eric Caron 
>>> On Mar 12, 2020, at 1:06 PM, Robert Carter <nc5rn...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jean,
>>> I have been using Back Blaze for the last several years.
>>> I have found it to be accessible enough for my needs. I should say that it 
>>> is the third part of my backup approach. I also use Apple’s time machine 
>>> and each week I make a clone of my computer using SuperDuper. BackBlaze is 
>>> the off sight backup portion just in case something happens to both my 
>>> SuperDuper and time machine backups.
>>> I have never tried to restore from Back Blaze other than to login and grab 
>>> a file or two that I needed. I was able to navigate around in my backup 
>>> with VoiceOver well enough to locate the files that I wanted. Also, for a 
>>> reasonable price, Back Blaze will send you a copy of your backup on a hard 
>>> drive. I have found them to be very reliable and reasonably priced. Again, 
>>> I choose not to use them as my only backup but as a part of the whole 
>>> backup strategy. If you want to start cloning your Mac, I recommend 
>>> SuperDuper. It is totally accessible and the developer is very committed to 
>>> VoiceOver.
>>> Take care,
>>> Robert Carter
>>>> On Mar 10, 2020, at 4:25 PM, jean parker <radiofore...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello All:
>>>> I am considering purchasing Backblaze and have some questions. I am a bit 
>>>> hesitant because they do not publish a customer support phone number and 
>>>> they don't say anything about accessibility on their web site. Thus, I 
>>>> would like to hear from the group about your experiences as follows:
>>>> 1. I did the preliminary backup as part of the 15 day free trial. I found 
>>>> the interface to select drives tricky to use so I am not sure exactly what 
>>>> is selected for backup and what is excluded.
>>>> 2. Naturally, the ultimate objective of having such a service is to be 
>>>> able to restore files in case of a problem. I went to the view and restore 
>>>> files interface but was also not able to find things like documents, 
>>>> desktop, downloads etc. How does this work and is the restore process 
>>>> accessible? If so, how is it done with voiceover?
>>>> 3. What is people's experience with their customer support? Are they 
>>>> responsive? Do they have enough knowledge to be conversant about how to 
>>>> perform functions using voiceover?
>>>> Replying off list is fine in order to reduce clutter on the list. My email 
>>>> is:
>>>> radioforever @gmail.com
>>>> Many thanks in advance for your help.
>>>> Jean
>>>> Jean Parker, Ph.D.
>>>> www.buildingresilience.global
>>>> Check out my book
>>>> “Emergency Preparedness Through Community Cohesion: An Integral Approach 
>>>> To Resilience:
>>>> available in ebook and hard-back
>>>> https://www.routledge.com/Emergency-Preparedness-through-Community-Cohesion-An-Integral-Approach/Parker/p/book/9781138327887?utm_source=outlook&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=B190507833
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