Hello Dan,

The problem with Abbyy FineReader is that it doesn't work with network 
scanners. However, you can give it a file of images to OCR if your scanner 
doesn't work directly with FineReader.

I compared a document recognised by Readiris, and the same document recognise 
with Finereader and Finereader did a slightly beter job in that there were 
slightly fewer errors. Both did a good job but Finereader did a better job.

FineReader is cheaper than Readiris and the installation and registration 
process are both completely accessible with VoiceOver.

Readiris 12 can be installed using VoiceOver, but you get no feed back at 
times, which is why I posted directions on how to register Readiris 12 on this 

I use VueScan to drive both of my scanners since they're both made by Cannon 
and the drivers are not accessible with VO. VueScan uses the Scangear driver in 
one case, making it accessible, and has its own driver for the scanner in the 
other case.



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