Hello, I really need to get into voicover commander and setup a  
ocmmand to quickly switch between group and dom because I am too lazy  
to open vo-util everytime. I also need to do the seem for muting  
speech, i hope they will add a command for this someday.
Greetings, Anouk
On Nov 4, 2009, at 4:46 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Safari is wicked slow at handling frames.  If you can get in to group
> mode though, that will take care of any issues you are having with
> tables.  For example.  There is a web site called tape trader where
> fans trade their recordings of live conserts.  When you do a search or
> look at some ones list of shows in dom mode, the dates don't show up
> anywhere.  All of the other info is available, and you can check the
> shows you want, but you cant get the date with VO, which is the most
> important piece of the puzzle.  By switching to group mode, I guess it
> takes the date out of the check box column where it shows up on
> windows and gives it its own column.  So you can cruze the dates very
> easily and check the one you want.  Only two problems I've found with
> group mode.  It does tend to slow browsing down a bit, and safari is
> not known for being greesed lightning to begin with in my experience.
> Also, your adium chats won't display properly in group mode, a
> situation which I very much hope will be fixed at some point because
> group mode is my friend and I'd like to keep him with me always.
> Best,
> erik burggraaf
> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
> Phone: 888-255-5194
> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2009-11-04, at 9:47 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>> Hi, erik I use the item chooser extensively in fact I navigate
>> webpages often not by element but by webrotor or item chooser because
>> some pages are rather confusing to me with voicover even though i use
>> dom, some items just dont show up with vo-right, i think because they
>> are in tables so i just use webrotor and item chooser instead. One
>> problem i have with item chooser is that i fI want to go to the  
>> second
>> occasion of a certain string I cant use it, i think because it only
>> shows unique things. I also notice frames a lot mor ethen on the pc
>> and I have to open a certain frame before I can see its contents, on
>> the pc i did not have to worry about frames at all. some times pages
>> with frames are entirely unaccessible (worldofaegis). But overall
>> surfing goes relatively well even though on some occasions safari is
>> still agonizingly slow and does not respond at all.
>> Greetings, Anouk
>> On Nov 4, 2009, at 1:59 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> Anouk,
>>> Instead of VO F,  try VO I.  This is the item chooser which you
>>> probably know about already, but it's applications on the web are
>>> endless.
>>> The item chooser will  filter the objects on the screen based on  
>>> what
>>> you type.  If you type search or results, you will quickly get to  
>>> the
>>> search results notice at the top of your search .  If you only know
>>> pages with frames are even totally unaccessible (the
>>> worldofaegis.com site for example) but for the most part now that I
>>> have done it a bit more often
>>> part of the word you are looking form, that will work as well.  Once
>>> you type something in you can arrow down to see all the items on the
>>> window or page that have the string you typed appearing anywhere in
>>> them.  This is more friendly than pressing control F, enter, reading
>>> the first instance, then pressing control F again and enter again to
>>> go to the next instance.
>>> If you don't find what you're looking for in the item chooser,  
>>> simply
>>> press the back space once to clear the entry and type something  
>>> else.
>>> It's fantastic, and it made my browsing experience for me back when
>>> element navigation wasn't as good as it is now.
>>> Best,
>>> erik burggraaf
>>> A+ certified technician and user support consultant.
>>> Phone: 888-255-5194
>>> Email: e...@erik-burggraaf.com
>>> On 2009-11-04, at 5:12 AM, anouk radix wrote:
>>>> Hello Nicolai,
>>>> Hello, Although I do get more experienced with the mac and the web
>>>> everyday I still find my windows solution faster, I use the item
>>>> chooser and the web rotor, i only miss the fact that I cannot  
>>>> search
>>>> for a certain text string again. Vo-f does not seem to work for me
>>>> within safari. Also at times when reading messages in a forum with
>>>> my
>>>> braille display it does not want to advance to a new message so it
>>>> does not read the entire page but just skips to the beginning of  
>>>> the
>>>> currentmessage again and I have to do vo-right about 12 times to  
>>>> get
>>>> to the beginning of the next message instead.
>>>> I do now more or less know how to use the finder as effectively as
>>>> possible although it is still lsow, i will try Gregs script real
>>>> soon
>>>> and probbably write the pathfinder as well to see if their program
>>>> can
>>>> be improved.
>>>> Greetings, Anouk
> >

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