if you have access to firefox you can get webvisum. that often worked for me 
with standard capchas. 
> On Jan 11, 2015, at 10:56 PM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> If memory serves, you  met  with  this using the app, is that correct?
> If so, are others checking the same way?
> Kare
> On Sun, 11 Jan 2015, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>> Hello:
>> I do a lot of Swagbucking and m Amazon cards are sent via email, so that 
>> isn’t the issue. I’ve redeemed Amazon cards for years without issues. 
>> Saturday was the first time I’ve ever seen this. I even tried with different 
>> web browsers. The people at Amazon said some parts of their site use 
>> captchas now. Go figure.
>>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 8:47 PM, Cheryl Homiak <cah4...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>> First of all, I have redeemed several gift cards from Amazon and there was 
>>> no captcha. I thought maybe it had changed recently when I read this thread 
>>> but I went to the website and I see no captcha. I approached this both from 
>>> the main site and the access site even though I never actually use the 
>>> access site. Both with Audible and Amazon, I much prefer to use the main 
>>> site. So I'm a little puzzled as to how one person could see a captcha 
>>> while another doesn't. You do have to sign in with your username and 
>>> password and you do have to enter the claim code. You even can get around 
>>> reading a claim code by having people email your gift cards instead of 
>>> sending them by snail mail or giving them to you when the person involved 
>>> uses email. It's not that i'm doubting your statement that there was a 
>>> captcha; I personally simply don't see any request for one and never have 
>>> in my own experience. Maybe they have started doing it for some accounts 
>>> and others will follow though that doesn't totally make sense to me either.
>>> Secondly, some other form of security besides username and password in some 
>>> instances is not, in my opinion, overkill. At least from what I know about 
>>> passwords being stolen or hacked, i don't think it's overkill. We can argue 
>>> about whether that other form should be captcha r not and we can argue 
>>> about whether or not there should be an accessible alternative and what 
>>> that alternative should be, but i don't really think we can argue that 
>>> something in addition to username and password is overkill, at least in 
>>> some situations.
>>> It is true that Amazon does require captchas in some instances; I rarely 
>>> run into this on Amazon but I think when you set up an account and perhaps 
>>> when you change your password you might have to enter a captcha, but I'm 
>>> not going to change mine just to test this out. There may be some other 
>>> instances.
>>> --
>>> Cheryl
>>> I tried and tried to turn over a new leaf.
>>> I got crumpled wads of tear-stained paper
>>> thrown in the trash!
>>> Then God gave me a new heart and life:
>>> His joy for my despairing tears!
>>> And now, every day:
>>> "This I call to mind,
>>> and therefore I have hope:
>>> The steadfast love of the Lord
>>> never ceases;
>>> his mercies never come to an end;
>>> they are new every morning;
>>> great is your faithfulness."
>>> (Lamentations 3:21-23 ESV)
>>> On Jan 11, 2015, at 5:47 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli <sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Not to mention it is not convenient to call them each time you want to 
>>> redeem a gift card!
>>> I mean, come on! You hae to log in to your account with your user name and 
>>> password, a captcha is just over kill!
>>>> On Jan 10, 2015, at 9:55 PM, Gabe Griffith <gabrielgriff...@gmail.com 
>>>> <mailto:gabrielgriff...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thanks for this information Sarai. I'm sending it to an accessibility 
>>>> lawyer I know here in California to get her take on whether or not this is 
>>>> an acceptable solution and what further action can be taken. I for one am 
>>>> not comfortable with this solution as it would mean giving an amazon 
>>>> representative anything from your gift card number to your password which 
>>>> could give them access to saved credit card information.
>>>> Gabe
>>>> On Jan 10, 2015, at 5:57 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli 
>>>> <sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com <mailto:sarai.bucciare...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/> implements CAPTCHA on several features on 
>>>>> Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/> such as password changes. Users are 
>>>>> presented with a picture, and asked to copy the text string in the 
>>>>> picture into a text entry field before continuing.
>>>>> Entering the characters displayed helps prevent automated programs from 
>>>>> accessing features on Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/>. We do this to 
>>>>> maintain the security of your account and personal information.
>>>>> If you're presented with a verification screen and you're unable to read 
>>>>> or enter the word(s) displayed, please click or press enter on the 
>>>>> following link. You can either enter your number and we'll give you a 
>>>>> call, or you call us directly at one of the numbers provided on the page.
>>>>> www.amazon.com/accessibility-contactus 
>>>>> <http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?C=3GG4DES2VDURU&R=29U7NMN7HZU71&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Faccessibility-contactus%3Fref_%3Dpe_584750_33951330&A=L2VILWOTCGCVWFJ3YUTTK1LWI7OA&H=HMM2AWSSYZHZPISD7FSW9PV0K5KA>
>>>>> We hope to see you again soon.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Bea D.
>>>>> Did I solve your problem?
>>>>> Yes 
>>>>> <http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?C=3GG4DES2VDURU&R=29U7NMN7HZU71&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fhelp%2Fsurvey%3Fp%3DA25LD1M5ZG0U4C%26k%3Dhy%26ref_%3Dpe_584750_33951330_cscem_hmdyes_ht_1&A=VZAXUBITMXTEFDBFGJJW3KECUKIA&H=ZD697QAXRKRNDCWYJYU9HUDLJPWA>
>>>>>   No 
>>>>> <http://www.amazon.com/gp/r.html?C=3GG4DES2VDURU&R=29U7NMN7HZU71&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fgp%2Fhelp%2Fsurvey%3Fp%3DA25LD1M5ZG0U4C%26k%3Dhn%26ref_%3Dpe_584750_33951330_cscem_hmdno_ht_1&A=FRQF5EPAQXXQHNKVLU9XKWRA2RGA&H=QAOA43UIY5WSPJMYUFTPPHU0L34A>
>>>>> Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.
>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>> Amazon.com <http://amazon.com/>
>>>> --
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