Hi Anne.

Now I have got the read iris installed, and I have entered the
registration code. I have registrated the program online, and I got a
key after that in a mail, do I have to enter this code?

I have got it to work, and I can access the settings. But I still have
problems, when I start up the program, I have to press tab a couple of
times, and then spacebar, and when it works.

I saw in the help menu, that there is an update, have you succeded in
installing that update? I have tried, but when I press yes there
happens nothing more.

My next step is to get it work together with vuescan.

Cheers Annie.

2009/10/4, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk>:
> Hello Annie,
> I assume you've installed Readiris since the installer is completely
> accessible.
> Initialising and registering Readiris 12
> • Open Readiris application;
> • Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to enter your serial
> number. Just type your serial number and press Return. There is no
> typing echo.
> • Unvoiced dialogue box appears asking you to register your software
> licence. If Talking Alerts is on, it will read this box. Press Space
> to register later or Return to register immediately. Return will
> launch Safari, where pressing the Tab key will put you in the correct
> edit box in the registration form, much of which is already filled in
> for you.
> • Unvoiced dialogue box in Readiris, "Please select your preferred
> output format and target application". The default values are RTF and
> TextEdit respectively. Just press Return. You can change these values
> later using the Text Format dialogue in the Settings menu.
> Readiris is now active, but you may have to toggle VoiceOver off and
> on again.
> Known bugs in Readiris 12:
> 1 Initialisation sequence not voiced and not VO accessible.
> 2 The settings Page Deskewing and Detect Page Orientation do not stick
> and must be activated at each execution.
> 3 The Recognise and Save function is only available via a button and
> not a menu command or shortcut.
> 4 The buttons on the righthand side of the window are not labelled for
> VoiceOver.
> All these have been reported to the Iris team but duplicate reports
> will add to the pressure to get them fixed quickly.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On Oct 4, 2009, at 12:27 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>> Hi Anne.
>> I am hanging on.
>> I am really glad, that you will help me.
>> Have a nice sunday.
>> Best regards Annie.
>> 2009/10/4, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk>:
>>> Hello Annie,
>>> If you can hang on until tomorrow afternoon, I'll make notes on
>>> installing Readiris 12 as I have to do it again myself because I'm
>>> reinstalling everything on the MacBook I use for demonstrations and
>>> teaching.
>>> Readiris does in fact have an open window, but we can't access it
>>> with
>>> VoiceOver. We can, however, enter all the information as long as
>>> someone tells us what it's asking for.
>>> We'll get this thing working for you somehow.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Anne
>>> On Oct 3, 2009, at 11:31 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>>> Hi Søren and Anne.
>>>> The only message i get is that read iris has no windows. As I
>>>> understand it, I should be able to open the progrem, wether it
>>>> finds a
>>>> scanner or not, is that not true? I ought to be able to registrate
>>>> the
>>>> program. I am a bit confused.
>>>> I am really disappointed.
>>>> I will try to get the money back for the program, but most of all, I
>>>> would have loved, if I could use the program. I am scanning a lot of
>>>> books evry month, and I wuld love to use my mac for that.
>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>> 2009/10/3, Søren Jensen <s...@coolfortheblind.dk>:
>>>>> Hi Anni.
>>>>> Have you checked if there are more than one window opened when you
>>>>> try
>>>>> to open Readiris? You can try to bring up the window chooser by
>>>>> pressing vo f2 twice and see if there are any alerts you have to
>>>>> read
>>>>> before the program opens.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Søren Jensen
>>>>> Mail & MSN:
>>>>> s...@coolfortheblind.dk
>>>>> Website:
>>>>> http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
>>>>> On Oct 2, 2009, at 11:42 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi again.
>>>>>> Now I have reinstalled my mac, but it has not helped. I have
>>>>>> downloaded read iris 12, and installed it, but I can still not
>>>>>> open
>>>>>> the program. What can I have done wrong. Can it be something
>>>>>> with a
>>>>>> cursor, any hint would be wellcome.
>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>>> 2009/10/2, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> Hi again.
>>>>>>> I have decided to try to reinstall my mac. When I have
>>>>>>> reinstalled
>>>>>>> it,
>>>>>>> I will try to install read iris at first before anything else.
>>>>>>> But do
>>>>>>> I have to install vuescan before read iris.
>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>>>> 2009/10/2, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Hi anne.
>>>>>>>> I also have to use vuescan. Because I can not find any driver
>>>>>>>> for my
>>>>>>>> scanner and mac, but it works perfect in vuescan.
>>>>>>>> But what happens to me is that iris read does not open, when I
>>>>>>>> try
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> open it. I have snowleopard and a macbook pro, with a verry
>>>>>>>> quick
>>>>>>>> processor.
>>>>>>>> I have serial numbers and all I need, would it be possible that
>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> could send me the downloadlink, from where you downloaded read
>>>>>>>> iris.
>>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>>>>> 2009/10/2, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk>:
>>>>>>>>> Hello Annie,
>>>>>>>>> Readiris 12 does work with Snow Leopard. I installed it this
>>>>>>>>> morning
>>>>>>>>> on a MacBook. However, there may be a problem with your scanner
>>>>>>>>> driver. I had to download the latest driver for the scanner,
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>>> then, I needed to use Vuescan to be able to access the scanner
>>>>>>>>> driver.
>>>>>>>>> So, to make things clear, I use Vuescan to capture the image,
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> Readiris to perform the OCR. I'm using a Canon scanner.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> Anne
>>>>>>>>> On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>>>>>> I have now bought read iris 12 pro for mac.
>>>>>>>>>> But I have problems with it. I have installed it, but I can
>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>>>>> the program. I do not know if it has something to do with
>>>>>>>>>> voiceover. I
>>>>>>>>>> have contacted technical support, but I have not got any
>>>>>>>>>> answer
>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>> them yet.
>>>>>>>>>> Do any of you have any suggestions for what I can try?
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>> >
> >

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