Hello Annie,

If you can hang on until tomorrow afternoon, I'll make notes on  
installing Readiris 12 as I have to do it again myself because I'm  
reinstalling everything on the MacBook I use for demonstrations and  

Readiris does in fact have an open window, but we can't access it with  
VoiceOver. We can, however, enter all the information as long as  
someone tells us what it's asking for.

We'll get this thing working for you somehow.



On Oct 3, 2009, at 11:31 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:

> Hi Søren and Anne.
> The only message i get is that read iris has no windows. As I
> understand it, I should be able to open the progrem, wether it finds a
> scanner or not, is that not true? I ought to be able to registrate the
> program. I am a bit confused.
> I am really disappointed.
> I will try to get the money back for the program, but most of all, I
> would have loved, if I could use the program. I am scanning a lot of
> books evry month, and I wuld love to use my mac for that.
> Best regards Annie.
> 2009/10/3, Søren Jensen <s...@coolfortheblind.dk>:
>> Hi Anni.
>> Have you checked if there are more than one window opened when you  
>> try
>> to open Readiris? You can try to bring up the window chooser by
>> pressing vo f2 twice and see if there are any alerts you have to read
>> before the program opens.
>> Best regards
>> Søren Jensen
>> Mail & MSN:
>> s...@coolfortheblind.dk
>> Website:
>> http://www.coolfortheblind.dk/
>> On Oct 2, 2009, at 11:42 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>> Hi again.
>>> Now I have reinstalled my mac, but it has not helped. I have
>>> downloaded read iris 12, and installed it, but I can still not open
>>> the program. What can I have done wrong. Can it be something with a
>>> cursor, any hint would be wellcome.
>>> Best regards Annie.
>>> 2009/10/2, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi again.
>>>> I have decided to try to reinstall my mac. When I have reinstalled
>>>> it,
>>>> I will try to install read iris at first before anything else.  
>>>> But do
>>>> I have to install vuescan before read iris.
>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>> 2009/10/2, Annie Skov Nielsen <annieskovniel...@gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi anne.
>>>>> I also have to use vuescan. Because I can not find any driver  
>>>>> for my
>>>>> scanner and mac, but it works perfect in vuescan.
>>>>> But what happens to me is that iris read does not open, when I try
>>>>> to
>>>>> open it. I have snowleopard and a macbook pro, with a verry quick
>>>>> processor.
>>>>> I have serial numbers and all I need, would it be possible that  
>>>>> you
>>>>> could send me the downloadlink, from where you downloaded read  
>>>>> iris.
>>>>> Best regards Annie.
>>>>> 2009/10/2, Anne Robertson <a...@anarchie.org.uk>:
>>>>>> Hello Annie,
>>>>>> Readiris 12 does work with Snow Leopard. I installed it this
>>>>>> morning
>>>>>> on a MacBook. However, there may be a problem with your scanner
>>>>>> driver. I had to download the latest driver for the scanner, and
>>>>>> even
>>>>>> then, I needed to use Vuescan to be able to access the scanner
>>>>>> driver.
>>>>>> So, to make things clear, I use Vuescan to capture the image, and
>>>>>> Readiris to perform the OCR. I'm using a Canon scanner.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Anne
>>>>>> On Oct 2, 2009, at 12:37 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>>>> I have now bought read iris 12 pro for mac.
>>>>>>> But I have problems with it. I have installed it, but I can not
>>>>>>> run
>>>>>>> the program. I do not know if it has something to do with
>>>>>>> voiceover. I
>>>>>>> have contacted technical support, but I have not got any answer
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> them yet.
>>>>>>> Do any of you have any suggestions for what I can try?
>>>>>>> Best regards Annie.
> >

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