I think, too, that the one thing that is being lost in the  
picture is that the iPhone is just a phone.  Yes, it certainly does  
much more than a phone, but I think that the extent and tasks that  
some are considering to be the proverbial, cons, comes from this very  
fact.  We are not talking about a laptop and such.  It is going to be  
interesting, however, if Apple does indeed release this tablet or net  
book product in October as rumored.  I think this device might  
seriously change the landscape of things, but that is a strictly  
theoretical  topic  of discussion, as no one knows what the true story  
is as of yet.

Take Care

John Panarese

On Jul 15, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:

> Hi, Josh,
> Phew, I think we agree too.  [just don't say you
> like Trek:OS better than TNG although your
> earlier post about having an original
> communicator wallpaper is alarming].  But
> Yes your points make sense, but I'm seeing a
> little misinformation on both the radical PC
> right and radical MAc left.  I'd hope my comments
> are more moderate in nature.  :)  I just don't
> think it does anyone any good if a realistic set
> of pros and cons about the iPhone can't be laid
> out without spin.
> I can't comment on the stats about who would miss
> the ability to keep a socket open in the
> background.  I suspect, given the nature of IT
> management, it may be higher number than you
> think.  I for one miss it, but yet, I still
> decided I could live without it.  Do I whish I
> could, darn yes, but then my iPhone isn't my
> laptop or desktop.  Although it's amazingly close.
> My philosophy for discussing technology like this
> is less on the tech stats, but rather asking the
> lay question of "What problem are you trying to
> solve?""  Then, showing how a given technology
> can be made to solve it. Sometimes the answer is
> yes that's easy, sometimes it's well, aren't you
> really wanting to do this? and sometimes it's ah,
> no, you can't do that easily because of xyz.
> Cheers,
> Scott
> .
> Well, as others have pointed out,
> there is a very, very small number of uses for which the push  
> notification is not appropriate. However, as I said before, they've  
> solved the vast majority of issues
> this way.  I don't think we exactly disagree, but
> I think that the number of users who will
> actually be impacted by the limitations is
> extremely small, and that even for a lot of those
> who will be impacted, the pros will outweigh the
> cons. What I'm try towork through are the
> misconceptions, like Will Lomas put forth, that
> you can't move back and forth between multiple
> apps and essentially multi-task, and that point
> has been lost in an argument about technicalities
> that will effect less than a single percent of
> users. LOL. Your battery issue is likewise the
> same. It will impact a very, very tiny number of
> users. That doesn't mean the problem doesn't
> exist, but seeing it harped on about and latched
> onto by the nay sayers as an excuse to downplay
> the iPhone's advantages is frustrating.
> I hope this makes sense. I have never said, and
> would never say, that any device is perfect for
> everyone. I think the iPhone is more than
> adequate, and is in fact ideal, for a huge numbe
> rof users, and that by arguing things like this
> multi-tasking situation, you're confusing folks
> like Will Lomas who would be just fine with an
> iPhone, but think they won't because of
> complaints about SSH and IRC.
> Hope that makes more sense. :)
> Josh de Lioncourt
>       Šmy other mail provider is an owlŠ
> Twitter: <http://twitter.com/Lioncourt>http://twitter.com/Lioncourt
> Music: <http://stage19music.com>http://stage19music.com
> Mac-cessibility: <http://www.Lioncourt.com>http://www.Lioncourt.com
> Blog:
> <http://lioncourtsmusings.blogspot.com>http:// 
> lioncourtsmusings.blogspot.com
> GoodReads: <http://goodreads.com/Lioncourt>http://goodreads.com/ 
> Lioncourt
> On Jul 14, 2009, at 7:43 PM, Scott Bresnahan wrote:
> Hi, Josh,
> Take a closer look at what is possible via push in the APIs and you
> may be surprised at how limiting it is.  Your argument about  Apple
> solving the problem by introducing push is more marketing hype than
> fact.  At the core, you can't keep sockets open in the background
> which many RFC standards like irc, ssh, telnet etc depend.  Apple's
> answer is well, rewrite the standard.  That's not an answer.  you
> cant' just rewrite every server platform out there to support Apple's
> whim of of a lame push notification method.  If you're starting from
> scratch today, writing a new client and server platform, then sure,
> you can work around it.  But there are a lot of pre existing
> technologies that won't work no matter how the app is coded simply
> because the problem is not with the client but the server piece the
> client is meant to communicate with.  But again, this isn't a problem
> for most people, but only for those who need to multitask, like
> keeping multiple sessions open at a time.
> As for batteries, I agree that *most* people don't' have spare
> batteries.  However, just because you haven't met them doesn't mean
> they don't exist.  I had two spares back when I had an analog
> StarTac, and I know a small fraction of people who still have spare
> batteries for their phones today.  Granted, these folks tend to like
> Star Trek the original series vs tng, but I digress.... not to
> mention I think they try to use their phones as laptops, but who am I
> to argue their inefficiency.  :)
> .
> I can't believe I'm arguing the devils advocate on this..... did I
> mention I love my iPhone?  But, it just doesn't do windows, so stop
> pretending it does.  lol
> --Scott
> -- 
> --Scott
> >

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