Nikos: [...]
The question is if it is possible (and reasonable) to tell LyX not to pass the "english" option to the documentclass definition?
What is the main document language?
English (explained in my previous post, as a reply to LiviuA).
I do not understand, how the "english" option may influence the conversion of Unicode characters to to the "LGR transkription".
In the attached example, I * select the document encoding (LaTeX input encoding) to be "Unicode (utf8)"
* put \texorpdfstring{Per'ilhyh}{????????} in an ERT box in the addchap title
In my example I use(d) \addchap{\texorpdfstring{Per'ilhyh}{Περίληψη}} and has the effect as described in my post to Liviu.
Using your entry above (the "????????"s) prints out correctly the pdf bookmarks but still converts the to "Ιντροδυςτιον"!
View PDF (pdflatex) returns an error about an unconvertible character but the result is fine: Greek in the section heading, the ToC and the PDF "index" (the bookmarks tab is empty).
The complete LyX-code, as per my example is: --%<--- % Preview source code %% LyX 2.0.0 created this file. For more info, see %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \RequirePackage{fix-cm} \documentclass[a4paper,english]{scrbook} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \setcounter{tocdepth}{0} \setlength{\parskip}{\medskipamount} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[greek,english]{babel} \usepackage{fixltx2e} \usepackage[unicode=true, bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=false,bookmarksopen=false, breaklinks=true,pdfborder={0 0 0},backref=page,colorlinks=true] {hyperref} \hypersetup{ pdfauthor={Nikos Alexandris}, unicode=true} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. \pdfpageheight\paperheight \pdfpagewidth\paperwidth \DeclareRobustCommand{\greektext}{% \fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont\def\encodingdefault{LGR}} \DeclareRobustCommand{\textgreek}[1]{\leavevmode{\greektext #1}} \DeclareFontEncoding{LGR}{}{} \DeclareTextSymbol{\~}{LGR}{126} \@ifundefined{date}{}{\date{}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands. \usepackage{bookmark} \AtBeginDocument{ \def\labelitemi{\(\circ\)} \def\labelitemii{\(\bullet\)} } \makeatother \begin{document} \chapter{Introduction} An introduction. \cleardoublepage{} \addchap{\texorpdfstring{Per'ilhyh}{Περίληψη}} \end{document} -->%---