Salutations to LyX-users.
In tex.stackexchange [1] a working solution has been demonstrated by egreg
on how to correctly print Greek (characters) as/in pdf(LaTeX) bookmarks. I
recall a similar question of mine (and suggested solution from the hyperref
developer) in this list [2] (which, for various reasons, I "forgot").
Now, egreg's solution does not work inside LyX. The reason is that the
documentclass option "english" (in my work using the scrbook class) forces
all characters to be converted in Greek.
The question is if it is possible (and reasonable) to tell LyX not to pass
the "english" option to the documentclass definition?
Have you tried Doc Settings > Language > Greek?
Yes, allready tried. This causes the content to be printed with latin
characters! For example, the code
"\addchap{\texorpdfstring{Per'ilhyh}{Περίληψη}}" correctly prints the pdf bookmark in Greek but within the document it results in
In addition, using "greek" instead of "english" is not desired because
it is a document in English which (additionally) contains one chapter
(i.e. the Summary) in greek.
More details: the code given in [1] works perfectly as pure LaTeX
code. For example I use the following "preamble":
\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,version, BCOR=10mm, DIV=calc, open=any,
titlepage, numbers=noenddot, listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc,
index=totoc, captions=tableheading]{scrbook}
The above followed by
An introduction.
gives the desired result, which is, the word
Περίληψη as a pdf bookmark.
Now, adding "english" to the documentclass options, messes up the
whole document (e.g. "Introduction" appears, within the document, as
One more question: the use of "greek" instead of "english"--as a
documentclass option-- compiles fine as pure PDF-LaTeX (I mean outside
of LyX); how can this be resembled within LyX?