On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Guenter Milde <mi...@users.berlios.de>wrote:

> On 2010-03-30, stefano franchi wrote:
> >> In my, very recent, experience, there are several converters
> >> Lyx->Word, but no *robust* one.
> > Problems I encountered yesterday trying to convert a relatively simple
> > 15-pages lyx  file that compiled perfectly to pdf into word:
> > -- all character sequences including ligatures (ff, ffi, etc)
> disappearing,
> > silently, from the output
> > --- all accented characters being converted into the wrong glyphs
> Looks like an encoding problem. Did you try with
> Document>Settings>Language>Encoding set to utf-8?
I tried so many things that I must have played with encodings, at some
point. But I actually think the problem was that the  Lyx file was in utf8x
and Openoffice did not like that. I eventually found an encoding that
worked. I also found out that some fonts worked and some didn't, for the
ligature problem. I seem to remember that the Bera family and Adobe
minionpro (my default ones)  did not, while CM and derivatives eventually
As I said, I eventually got the job done, but I shiver at the thought of
repeating the experience, as I will have to do on a much bigger scale in a
couple of months.



> Günter

Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy           Ph:   (1) 979 862-2211
Texas A&M University                 Fax: (1) 979 845-0458
College Station, Texas, USA

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