On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:12 AM, Rob Oakes <lyx-de...@oak-tree.us> wrote:

> With that said, I had a thought.  It seems that I surrounded by happy and
> singing students that are applying for Google code fellowships and
> otherwise
> having hysterics over summer plans.  While it is too late for LyX to submit
> proposals this year, I wonder if trying to get Summer of Code students to
> work on MS Word/LyX converters might make for a good project next year?
That sounds like an excellent idea, although it's too late for this year.
Having spent the better part of a day fighting with lyx-->word conversions,
I can only dream of a bare bone converter.
I cannot be a mentor either, but i'd be more than happy to help out any way
I can (testing, etc.)


> LyX already imports/exports to nearly every other format under the sun
> (through the use of external tools, I know), it seems like an oversight to
> leave out the Word processor used by most people.  If you really wanted to
> get fancy, you could try and convert tracked changes and comments from the
> LyX system into MS Word, or vice-versa.  A more robust path for document
> interchange with Word users would go a *long* way to helping LyX adoption.
> I have several colleagues who would love to use it, but need a better way
> of
> working with MS Word users.
> I'm not sure what LyX's history with Google's Summer of Code is, but if
> there is any interest, I'd be happy to help with filing applications and
> such.  I'm not sure that I'm qualified to be a mentor, but I could be a
> ruthlessly competent coordinator.
> Cheers,
> Rob Oakes

Stefano Franchi
Department of Philosophy           Ph:   (1) 979 862-2211
Texas A&M University                 Fax: (1) 979 845-0458
College Station, Texas, USA

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