On 03/28/2010 10:37 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
Tim Wescott<t...@...> writes:
rgheck wrote:
OpenOffice will also save in LaTeX format. I have used it often
myself, but with old WordPerfect files, and you are right of course
that the output file could use some cleaning up. Much of this can be
done with a script, such as the exceedingly trivial sed script attached.
My version of OpenOffice -- 3.1, on Ubuntu 9.10, did not seem to have
this capability, either as a "save as" or "export to".
Haven't used it myself, but you might try http://writer2latex.sourceforge.net/.
Exactly. On Fedora, this is in the openoffice.org-writer2latex package.
Once it is installed, you can Export to LaTeX.
But what I described has already been done:
Unfortunately, I can't yet get it to work....