> Which program do you use at work and which one at home to send the
> documents? It's probably there that the problem lies. I think that the
> easiest thing to do would be to ZIP the file before sending. I think the
> mail program probably catalogs the .lyx extension as plain text or so, as
> it may not be declared to be binary, and so all characters above 127 are
> deleted.
> Also, be sure not to include it in the mail as a text attachment. Text is
> not supposed to have accented characters.
> If you use an extension known to be binary, it should go through well. I
> know there is a way to declare the .lyx extension as a binary mime, but I
> don't know how...
> John

Yes, zipping the file prevented the disappearance of the characters.

Beny Spira
Departamento de Microbiologia
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas
Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1374
São Paulo-SP    CEP:05508-900
Tel: 5511-3091-7347
FAX: 5511-3091-7354

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