I am writing a document at work and at home. At work my keyboard is
ABTN2 (brazilian keyboard layout) and at home is an english
(international) keyboard, so the position of the accents (~; ^; '; `) is
different in each keyboard. When the document was transferred to the
computer with the ABTN-2 keyboard, all letters that contain accents have
just disappeared (and there is a lot a such letters in portuguese). May
anyone help me to fix it out? I would not like to  go through the whole
document to spellcheck every word.
Beny Spira
Departamento de Microbiologia
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas
Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1374
São Paulo-SP    CEP:05508-900
Tel: 5511-3091-7347
FAX: 5511-3091-7354

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