> Could you post a (short) example lyx document that works on your home 
> machine and not on your work one.

Sure, but first i would like to make something clear. The original
document was written at work (with the ABTN2 keyboard), I continued to
work on it at home (english keyboard) and today I sent it back to work.
Then the problem with the accents appeared.
Here is a small sample of the output in lyx:
"H uma estrutura secundria de RNA localizada na regio intergenica entre
pstS e pstC, cuja presena foi demonstrada pela tcnica de extenso de
But it should be:
"Há uma estrutura secundária de RNA localizada na região intergenica
entre pstS e pstC, cuja presença foi demonstrada pela técnica de
extensão de primer"


Beny Spira
Departamento de Microbiologia
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas
Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1374
São Paulo-SP    CEP:05508-900
Tel: 5511-3091-7347
FAX: 5511-3091-7354

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