And this is the .log file from this conversion

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b (Web2C 7.4.5)
(format=pdflatex 2003.4.10)  15 JAN 2004 15:26
Error: pdflatex (file pdftex.cfg): cannot open config
 ==> Fatal error occurred, the output PDF file is not


You need to edit the pdfnup script and specify the location of the pdflatex executable. You'll see this near the top of the pdfnup script:


Once you've specfied the path to pdflatex (for e.g., /usr/bin/pdflatex), then to acheive what you mentioned in your first post, i.e. a pdf file for every page in your source pdf file, you need to use pdfnup as follows:

pdfnup --nup 1x1 --pages xx SourceFile.pdf

where xx = the page in the source file SourceFile.pdf that you want to convert to a pdf file... repeat for the pages you want by changing the value of xx ... pdfnup will automatically name the output pdf file (which will be the same every time) so you may need to change the name of the output pdf file before re-running the script... not sure if there's a way to automate it...


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