> I believe, if you check the website <http://www.lyx.org> (or maybe
> it's in the FAQ included in the documentation) the Official
> Pronounciation is
> "licks"
Nah... it's "lüks" of course because it is spelled with an y which is
pronounced "üpsilon".
> Me, I have to remember not to type lynx when I want lyx, or lyx when I
> want lynx...
Sure... "lüks" and "lüngs" are somewhat similar... But pronouncing them
properly has the big advantage over "licks" and "links" that
(a) you do not have to open your mouth too far (I actually wonder how
Lars could talk about "licks" in this mosquito infested tundra where
he happens to live without getting too much living things between the
teeth) and
(b) you do not mistake "lynx" for "links" - which is an other decent web
André Pönitz ............................................. [EMAIL PROTECTED]