On Sat, 11 Jul 2015, Liviu Andronic wrote:

Not necessarily. There are LaTeX labels associated with figures; and knitr
labels associated with chunks. The latter MUST be unique for figure
chunks, while fig.lp seems to affect the former.
To be on the safe side, just manually ensure you have unique labels
for figure chunks.


  When I insert a chunk it's labeled automatically, and each is unique in
the test doc: 2-9.

14:09:01.216: label: unnamed-chunk-8

The figure chunk is unnamed. Better to use a chunk label.

  As I wrote above, each gray box with "Chunk n" inside has a unique number
visible. I see this unnamed-chunk as the name for the first figure. It's in
the /figure subdirectory as unnamed-chunk-7.1.pdf Because that figure is
in what LyX shows as Chunk 8 I have no idea where knitr comes up with

It's possible something is wrong in the code. Best I can say, experiment.
Maybe you copied a ' from elsewhere, and it's not the ' flavor expected by
R. Maybe something else is queer. Try to run the same code in your R
session, etc. Sometimes it helps to export .Rnw or .tex, and inspect the
offending chunks.

  I saw nothing explicit

Possibly. This seems more knitr than LyX related.

  Seems that way to me, too. Will halt this thread and re-post on r-help.

Thanks very much,


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