Herbert Voss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Thomas Geffert wrote:
| > 
| > Hi,
| > 
| > I have a question on the placement of floats. I set in the
| > layout->document->extra placement option the placement to bt.
| > 
| > Now I have the problem that Lyx/Latex seems to prefer Top as my
| > pictures are all on top of a side. As I understood the documentation a
| > placement option of bt should prefer the bottom placement?
| > 
| > Also I tried to set some floats at the right position where they were
| > inserted or to place them on an extra page.
| > 
| > Therefore I added a [h] or [p] in the first line of a float and set it
| > to Latex-mode. But the only result is, that I see the [h] or [p]
| > printed above the image. Does this method don't work with Lyx
| > 1.1.6fix1 anymore? If yes, is there another possibility to achieve the
| > individual placement of a float?
| values in layout-document-float-placement are for global 
| controlling of all floats. 
| Individual controlling of floats is possible, 
| if you leave this field blank and write in every
| float (red rectangle) as the very first line in tex (red) 
| one of the possible values for float placment, like [h], [htb], 
| [!htb] or any other valid combination.

also note that the order of the 'h' 't' 'b' is not used by latex. If
'h' is mentiond that goes first, then 't' if mentioned, then 'b' if
mentioned, then 'p' if mentioned.


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