>>Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 10:50:52 +0200
>>From: "M.Hendler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Float placement
>>Hi all!
>>The placement of  floats drive my crazy!
>>I am using the book style an set the placement to: !htbp
>>The problem is, that I have 5 floats (6cm x 4.25cm) which all should be placed
>>in the text.
>>But LyX places them on a random style. :)
>>First 2 are on the first page with the text and the rest on the next page.
>>The bad thing is that, on the old page a new subsection starts and thats what 
I really hate now.
>>LyX (or Latex) doesn't take care of the sectioning of a book. I dont want to 
have the floats of
>>section 2 in section 3 ! Or even floats of section 2.3 in section 2.4!

A few ideas:

in ERT make a newpage and purges the buffer of floats, so that 
all the pending figure are placed,  but
you may not like a newpage at a beginning of a subsection...

Beware that the float must be  preceded and followed by a blank line: 
if not, the float is within the paragraph, which is not a good idea.

If you have several small figures, you may like to have them in one single
float, within a table.

What about wrapfig ? This could give you a better layout in the page.

There has been in the list a technique to change locally the order using ERT, 
but I don'recall it. I seldomly use it, !ht for figures is generally OK
(but I miss a separate global order for tables, I would like !hb because
the caption is over the table in french typography).

>>How can I tell LyX that I really want to have the floats at the place where I 
have inserted them?

No way, you have to understand how the placement algorithm works
and move the figures and paragraphs around untif all is OK. But it's
useless to do so until the very last LaTeX passes, beacuse yous should not
do any prematurate local tuning.
>>I tried all global variations of h, !h and so on.
>>Any ideas?
>>Thanx a lot

Hope that helps


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