
I have a question on the placement of floats. I set in the
layout->document->extra placement option the placement to bt.

Now I have the problem that Lyx/Latex seems to prefer Top as my
pictures are all on top of a side. As I understood the documentation a
placement option of bt should prefer the bottom placement?

Also I tried to set some floats at the right position where they were
inserted or to place them on an extra page.

Therefore I added a [h] or [p] in the first line of a float and set it
to Latex-mode. But the only result is, that I see the [h] or [p]
printed above the image. Does this method don't work with Lyx
1.1.6fix1 anymore? If yes, is there another possibility to achieve the
individual placement of a float?

Thanks for any help


Thomas Geffert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

PGP-Key available at: http://geffert.com/pgp.asc

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