On 13-04-02 02:03 PM, Jared Norris wrote:
> On 3 April 2013 05:05, Randall Ross <rand...@executiv.es
> <mailto:rand...@executiv.es>> wrote:
>     On 13-04-02 11:50 AM, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
>     > On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 11:46 AM, Dmitry Agafonov
>     > <agafonovdmi...@gmail.com <mailto:agafonovdmi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     >> I'm not giving my pros or contras in this particular question,
>     but please
>     >> note, that Moscow and St.Petersburg are separate administrative
>     areas of the
>     >> Russian Federation (somewhat similar to states in USA or,
>     better, to DC) and
>     >> not ordinary cities. So, I'm seeing
>     >> http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-districtofcolumbia/ ...
>     > Yeah, US-based teams have permission from the LoCo Council to split
>     > into site-based teams (and Washington D.C. is a separate non-state
>     > district too). I'd suggest working with the LoCo Council for
>     review of
>     > Russia if there is also need to split those into
>     states/administrative
>     > areas :)
>     >
>     So, are Chicago and Dallas (which are also in the US, and city-based)
>     operating without "permission"? And what about the other teams not in
>     the US that are city-based?
>     Perhaps they are serving their localities in ways that only local
>     teams
>     can do? I can't and won't speak for them, but I'm guessing they are
>     doing something great in their areas and should be expressly and
>     enthusiastically encouraged, especially by those in leadership
>     positions.
>     Let's not make excuses that talk people out of starting groups in
>     their
>     cities, or to seek permission. And, let's not pretend this is a
>     technical issue we can fix with a code patch.
>     Cheers,
>     Randall.
>     --
>     loco-contacts mailing list
>     loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com>
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
> As a part of a large geographical area (Australia), I'd firmly support
> the idea of local groups forming to serve their areas and have
> encouraged users in my LoCo to do this regularly. However I do not
> understand why they can't be formed under the banner of the country LoCo.
> If you feel your country has a case for separation into states like
> the US did then the council have always been willing to discuss the
> idea in my experience, which from what I'm reading sounds like their
> current stance. The council even approached us about the idea for our
> country at one point. The problem we had was inclusion, we had several
> states with enough people to make it work but outside those 2 - 3 the
> rest would have essentially dissolved, creating a vacuum for anyone
> coming along later, this seemed counter productive.
> So a case example would be while I organise events in my hometown
> (Brisbane), they are still done as a Ubuntu-AU LoCo event and we still
> use the Ubuntu-AU resources to achieve the goals. 
> -- 
> Regards,
> Jared Norris
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JaredNorris
Hi Jared,

Thank you for your message.

If you were to organise events as "Ubuntu Brisbane LoCo" instead of
under the Ubuntu-AU team, what would be lost? What would be gained?

In my experience, people get excited when Ubuntu is local and something
they can experience in person. It makes it *real*. People in city groups
know each other personally. They share things. They donate (time, and
sometimes even money) to make their group bigger, more social,  and more

If we assume Ubuntu has 0.5% market share (of desktop and notebook
computers), a community of 1000 people will have 5 people that would
potentially join a city or town based Ubuntu group. That would be enough
to help spread Ubuntu locally. I can think of no better thing to do. :)

According to Wikipedia, Brisbane's population is 2,146,577 (2011). That
equates to over 10,000 people in your city enjoying Ubuntu daily, and is
more than twice the population where I live (Vancouver). Our Ubuntu
group is 531 people today and we are not reliant on Ubuntu Canada for
anything. That is not a commentary but a statement of fact.

Every city is different of course, but I encourage you (and everyone
reading this) to calculate the size of a group they could form in their
city and then go out and do it! We spread Ubuntu block-by-block,
street-by-street. :) Do you think the proprietary software people are
standing by and waiting?


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