On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:34 AM, Randall Ross <rand...@executiv.es> wrote:
> Hi Sergio, council, and team contacts,
> The response ended on this list (loco-contacts) by accident, an
> unfortunate circumstance of my allowing Thunderbird to auto-complete an
> address beginning with loco- and then pressing send without looking
> carefully. The response was meant to go to the moderated
> "loco-coun...@lists.ubuntu.com" (where the original request to add
> Moscow to LTP was made) and not to a public list. Please accept my
> apologies for that carelessness.
> I was intending to write a general proposal to the loco-contacts list
> and also to council that will solve the problem of country teams not
> meeting the needs of the cities (and towns) within them. I still intend
> to do that, and I welcome correspondence, either private or public from
> leaders that are running active city-based teams. (Note: I am less
> interested in feedback from leaders that are not operating/leading
> locally, as the challenges are significantly different.)
> So,
> Chicago
> Dallas
> (Vancouver)
> Omsk
> Hong Kong
> Singapore
> Delhi
> St. Petersburg
> Bangalore
> Moscow
> Washington DC
> and others
> .. I'm specifically looking for your thoughts.
> With regards to the IRC log below, from July 2012, I reviewed the log
> and did not see any dialog with the Ubuntu Moscow team lead (Garfield).
> I would have hoped/expected that s/he would have been solicited for
> feedback as part of the process. I'll restate my thesis: if a city team
> has formed, it is because it is serving a need not filled by existing
> structure. In fact, if *any* team is formed, it's a result of a real
> need. We should respect that need and offer to help them grow and be
> successful as the first response.
> I'm looking forward to the LoCo council clearing all obstacles for
> "non-traditional" teams and helping us grow the Ubuntu community.

/me puts the indian subcontinent hat on

Hey Randall,

Thanks for your inputs. As Sergio said, we are working towards a
roadmap on the same to empower cities that have a significant user
base (for example in India where the cities are densely populated and
has significant amount of user base, here teams are usually formed as
user groups locally to just meet up, discuss and socialize, and it
helps in case of the subcontinent esp because local groups do tend to
cater to the needs faster.Agreed.)

So, we are working towards different scenarios and hopefully we would
be able to sort out the same pretty soon.


Bhavani Shankar
Ubuntu Developer       |  www.ubuntu.com

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