@@ -34,6 +34,23 @@ function convertToInteger(value: any): number | undefined {
 export class LLDBDapConfigurationProvider
   implements vscode.DebugConfigurationProvider
+  resolveDebugConfiguration(
+    _folder: vscode.WorkspaceFolder | undefined,
+    debugConfiguration: vscode.DebugConfiguration,
+    _token?: vscode.CancellationToken,
+  ): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.DebugConfiguration> {
+    // Default "pid" to ${command:pickProcess} if neither "pid" nor "program" 
are specified
+    // in an "attach" request.
+    if (
+      debugConfiguration.request === "attach" &&
+      !("pid" in debugConfiguration) &&
vogelsgesang wrote:

> shouldn't the program be required for LLDB to properly load debug symbols?

Not sure. I guess, it would be theoretically possible for LLDB to figure out 
the loaded binary from the PID, and hence debug based on only the PID. Not sure 
if that is actually implemented, though.

@walter-erquinigo mentioned in [this 
 that `program` would be optional. Can you confirm that lldb-dap infers the 
loaded binary based on just the PID, Walter?

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