On Thursday 12 March 2009, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 07:02 +0100, Stefan Roese wrote:
> > I'll apply the U-Boot patch today. But as Josh pointed out, we should
> > try to
> > find a way for the bootwrapper to work in all cases.
> uboot is passing some kind of bt_t to the wrapper or a full
> device-tree ?

Both is possible. Older U-Boot versions only passed the bd_t struct to the 
kernel. For those U-Boot's the wrapper is needed. More recent U-Boot versions 
support passing a device-tree blob to the kernel. U-Boot patches the correct 
memory size in this blob.

As a matter of fact, I never used the wrapper before. U-Boot supports passing 
the device-tree blob to Linux since quite some time now.

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