Marty Fouts wrote:
> IMO, it was worse even than that.  C++ itself hadn't stablized as a language
> to the point where it would have been wise to use on a kernel at that time.
> The language only really stablized in  '99, I think.  It's too soon to tell
> whether it would be usable for kernel development, although various projects
> that have tried to use it in an OO way have floundered for one reason or
> another.

So, (trying to salvage something useful from this thread) where can I
download this standard?  Or is it, as I suspect, another toll bridge on
the information highway?  And if so, why do we insist on doing stupid
things like that to ourselves?   And could this have something to do
with the fact that very few C or C++ programmers actually possess
complete and uptodate definitions of the languages?

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