Am 20.01.2015 um 00:15 schrieb Noeck:
Hi Kieren, et al.
I like you initiative and I would contribute my modest style sheets for choir
works (SATB). It is mostly about distances (paper) and fonts – not really choir
I think the OpenLilyLib snippets/stylesheets would be a good place to collect
them. (If Urs agrees – I am not sure if I understood his position on this.)
I think is not really
suitable for such a new effort. openLilyLib is a rather shapeless mass
of code, and I think the new library should be very focused and structured.
My suggestion was (and if I'm not mistaken it sounds like we could go
that way) to create a new repository, presumably as a 'sister' project
to openLilyLib, say,
(nonexistent yet).
Probably with some review and merging by experienced people.
That's what I said earlier. I think we should make this repository more
structured than openLilyLib, which means we need a higher level of
review than there. But I have no clear idea how that should be
organized. There's probably no single person who could/should act as the
doorkeeper, but in a way we should organize a kind of review process.
As others have mentioned, it is also worthwhile after collecting them, to see
whether there is an intersection and defaults could be changed in LP directly
for the best default output (perhaps including margins and basic-distances? –
we’ll see).
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