> There is a built-in template almost exactly like this in LilyPond already
> which may be used to typeset a range of choral music, with or without
> accompaniment, in two or four staves. 
> See 
> http://www.lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/learning/built_002din-templates

That’s interesting and will be helpful for users. Let me nonetheless express why
I probably would not use it (only my personal point of view and probably there
are ways around my concerns):
It adds a layer of obscurity on top of the code, which is ok if you want exactly
the outcome of this template. But there are some things that I would like to
change/adapt. E.g., I would not use small caps for the voice names. More
important, I would need German voice names. While this might still be possible,
it looks more straight-forward to do such overrides in ordinary LP code.

For a user who is willing to understand the LP syntax, I think the assistance of
a Frescobaldi score wizard does a very good job. But for sure, each user can
decide himself and having these templates is a good alternative.


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