Hi Abraham,

> Is this effort all about creating stylesheets (i.e., customizing the 
> look-and-feel of scores via \overrides, fonts, etc.)


> or templates (i.e., the structure of the scores)?

No… but I could imagine that one beneficial side-effect of devevloping the 
stylesheets would be necessarilly developing some templates to “show them off”.

> I've started to feel like this is more of a necessity, but that discussion is 
> for another day/thread.

+1 x 2

> when it comes to templates, I don't see any reason why a standard set of 
> these can't be included in LilyPond itself for the user to access

The problem (as Urs suggests in his email) is that the process by which such 
files can be “officially added” and/or modified is possibly too strict, which 
might unnecessarily slow the process and/or discourage submissions and 

> if all the GUI programs can do it, why not LilyPond?

That’s a great question for another thread.  =)

> to be able to open an actual file with a lot of the structure already 
> created, where a user can then customize as necessary, I would think, could 
> be very useful, especially to newcomers.

I agree 100%.


Kieren MacMillan, composer
www:  <http://www.kierenmacmillan.info>
email:  i...@kierenmacmillan.info

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