Johan Vromans wrote Monday, January 19, 2015 1:55 PM

> In an earlier posting I mentioned a set of templates that I've developed
> and used for a couple of years. These do not work by changing the template
> code, but adding to it. This is much simpler to achieve.
> For example:
> +---
> | \include "templates/"
> | 
> | sopranoMusic = \relative c'' { ... }
> | sopranoWords = \lyricmode { ... }
> | altoMusic = ... and so on
> | 


> What voices and what lyrics are included depends on whether the
> associated variables (sopranoMusic, sopranoWords, ...) have been
> defined.

There is a built-in template almost exactly like this in LilyPond already
which may be used to typeset a range of choral music, with or without
accompaniment, in two or four staves. 


It's not in a stable release yet, as it just missed the 2.18 releases.  But it
is available in all the 2.19 releases.


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