Am 07.07.2014 11:46, schrieb Urs Liska:
>> I followed the discussion only roughly, but I think it is a step in the
>> right direction. I'd like to bring up the scheme-modules, I came up
>> with. They need a fixed folder-structure and need to be updated
>> according to the path they are stored in.
>> Should we have a dedicated folder for scheme-modules or shall we store
>> them for example in "includes"?
> I had thought about this too, but as I don't completely understand
> what's going on there I didn't look further so far.
> If that's OK with you I'd suggest to handle the scheme-modules only
> after the conversion of the snippets. Or does the conversion of some
> snippets already depend on that issue?
The module naming will change inherently and that will affect some
snippets. But that should be easy to identify as I seem to be the only
one doing such nasty stuff ;)

> I thought of putting them in /includes/scheme-modules
> Does that fit?
That's fine. Shall I prepare the scheme stuff? I would propose a root
folder like suggested in the include files folder

> BTW: I'm not sure about all the lalily stuff. Would you consider merging
> that among all the other snippets or should that rather have a dedicated
> folder below /library (i.e. beside oll, templates etc.)?
I might put snippets originating from lalily - templating,
edition-engraver and such - into a folder 'lalily'. In fact, I might
reconstruct the whole lalily-complex in that folder and probably make it
more convenient to use only parts or the whole workflow.

Best, Jan-Peter

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