-------- Original-Nachricht --------
2014-04-09 22:25 GMT+02:00 Thomas Scharkowski <t.scharkow...@t-online.de>:
Perhaps it's not that important, but do you have any printed references for
"ases"? I do not trust Wikipedia that much in this case.
In the article "http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Versetzungszeichen" Grabner and
Ziegenrücker are mentioned as sources. They both do not use "ases" and it
was not used when I studied music theory at the conservatory
I looked up in two other books:
dtv-Atlas zur Musik, Bärenreiter Verlag 1997: "asas" only
Fred Harz: Harmonielehre für Gitarre, Musikverlage Hans Gerig: 1975:
"asas" only
Will have to do some research, coming back to you later ...
Happy digging!
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