Hi, lilyponder,
I was given a numbered (jianpu) score sheet to transcribe. I have been manually
produce a table showing number equivalent "english" pitch name. Now I discover
that "italiano" do re mi is the same as 1 2 3 (jianpu - number) and it's fairly
easy to code in lily. Question: after I employ "italiano" lily coding, is
there a way or easy way to convert it to "english" lily code?
\version "2.19.4"
\language "italiano"
\header {
title = "test"
global = {
\key re \major
\time 4/4
\tempo 4=100
melody = {
dod'2 re' mi' fad' sol' la' sib' si' \break
mi''2 re''4 dod''4
mi''2 re''2
mi''2 re''4 dod''4
mi''2 re''8 sol'8 dod''8 re''8
mi''2 re''4 dod''4
mi''2 re''4. la'8
fad''2. mi''8 re''8
dod''2 mi'4 fad'4
verse = \lyricmode {
% Lyrics follow here.
\score {
\new ChordNames \chordNames
\new Staff { \melody }
\addlyrics { \verse }
\layout { }
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