Janek Warchoł wrote
> 2013/12/6 Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling@webdrak
> > What Finale version are you using to generate these examples?
> They weren't created by me; i don't know the version (but the Eja
> Mater is probably 2003 or 2005).
>> I hate to say this, but from my point of view (as a Lilypond user and
>> enthusiast) I think that rather than favouring Lilypond, this rather
>> supports the contention that in general Finale's output is "good enough". 
>> I
>> presume what you have there is untweaked Finale engraving, and many of
>> the
>> issues you identify are very minor or most likely easily fixed.
> ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
> Have you looked at "Eja Mater awful Finale.pdf"?  Do you consider the
> issues marked in red minor?  They actually make it very difficult to
> sing the rhythm correctly!
>> If you want a real comparison, give two expert users -- one of Finale,
>> one
>> of Lilypond -- the same score and give them an hour to engrave as much as
>> they can, with the goal that every single bar they engrave is perfect. 
>> Then
>> compare what they achieve.
> Do you have a spare expert Finale user?  Because the problem is that
> on the *LilyPond* mailing list it's hard to find expert Finale users.
> We'd have to hire someone, and that costs money.
> Janek
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I could assist with Finale 2014 though I hesitate to call myself an 'expert'
in Finale. Power user maybe, but no expert. Does that help?

composer | sound designer 
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