Mr. McClure, On two previous mailings I have extoled the values of Lilypond for the new user (loaded mine this last March), or what might be called its "out of the box" capabilities. Since installation I have transcribed 20+ piano scores for my own study and use. All of them are crisper than the published version and are more uniformly spaced on the page.
Mark -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Ryan McClure Sent: Friday, December 06, 2013 8:59 AM To: Subject: Re: engraving comparisons and other "promotional" materials While I think this is a good idea, I have a few reasons to hesitate. We don't want to just promote LilyPond to expert users; wouldn't we want any user to switch over? Any professional can make anything look good. An expert Micro$oft Paint user could probably reproduce the Mona Lisa if given enough time. What LilyPond does better than Finale/Sibelius is more excellent default engraving. How many times have people used Finale and gotten that dreaded last-bar-on-its-own-page problem? I believe the best test would be using ONLY defaults for Finale, Sibelius, and LilyPond to show what the programs can do--not what experienced users can do. ----- Ryan McClure Music Education Major, Shepherd University Luna Music Engraving -- View this message in context: ional-materials-tp155133p155232.html Sent from the User mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list