On 07/12/13 19:18, Janek Warchoł wrote:
Have you looked at "Eja Mater awful Finale.pdf"?  Do you consider the
issues marked in red minor?  They actually make it very difficult to
sing the rhythm correctly!

That one example in bar 69 is very "ouch", but it's the kind of problem that would be an issue for sightreading only -- you'd fix it and move on. I agree it's nastier for choral singing (where everyone has the score) compared to instrumental playing, where you'd have just the single part and so only the conductor would have to handle that rhythmic clash.

I have to say that I do wonder if that was user error, though -- because I never came up with such a catastrophic misalignment when I was using Finale. At a guess, perhaps caused by the user entering more notes than could fit in the bar, then deleting some of them, or otherwise correcting note lengths?

The one in bar 80 doesn't strike me as much of an issue. An irritation but not in any way a serious problem, because it isn't out of sync with anything else horizontally. I was far more concerned about the placement of the dots on the dotted 8ths, because that _did_ seem like something that could jar the reading of the single line parts, even when you "know" the rhythm.

I don't mean to dismiss your concerns here, but I think that these problems are small fry in the scale of the kinds of illegibility or ambiguity or simply reading difficulty that there can be in parts put in front of musicians. You probably haven't seen some of the hand-written parts (from reputable publishers!) that I have ... :-)

Do you have a spare expert Finale user?  Because the problem is that
on the *LilyPond* mailing list it's hard to find expert Finale users.
We'd have to hire someone, and that costs money.

No, but I imagine that if you went on the Finale mailing list and said, "Hey, we're trying out this challenge as part of a drive to test and improve our usability, anyone up for it?" you'd get some volunteers. You don't need a super-hot-whizzkid-who-works-for-Bärenreiter, you just need someone who is competent and capable and knows their way around the software.

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