----- Original Message ----- From: "Janek Warchoł" <janek.lilyp...@gmail.com>
To: "Joseph Rushton Wakeling" <joseph.wakel...@webdrake.net>
Cc: "LilyPond Users" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2013 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: engraving comparisons and other "promotional" materials

2013/12/6 Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling@webdrak
What Finale version are you using to generate these examples?

They weren't created by me; i don't know the version (but the Eja
Mater is probably 2003 or 2005).

I hate to say this, but from my point of view (as a Lilypond user and
enthusiast) I think that rather than favouring Lilypond, this rather
supports the contention that in general Finale's output is "good enough". I presume what you have there is untweaked Finale engraving, and many of the
issues you identify are very minor or most likely easily fixed.

Have you looked at "Eja Mater awful Finale.pdf"?  Do you consider the
issues marked in red minor?  They actually make it very difficult to
sing the rhythm correctly!

If you want a real comparison, give two expert users -- one of Finale, one
of Lilypond -- the same score and give them an hour to engrave as much as
they can, with the goal that every single bar they engrave is perfect. Then
compare what they achieve.

Do you have a spare expert Finale user?  Because the problem is that
on the *LilyPond* mailing list it's hard to find expert Finale users.
We'd have to hire someone, and that costs money.


I have often offered to create Sibelius 7 versions.

Phil Holmes

lilypond-user mailing list

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