Is there a way to have line numbers turned on in lily pond so I don't have to 
count them? I don't' see a way to get to a presences thing in lily pond 2.16 
for mac osx. This would help a lot in terms of errors. or can I correct it 
direct from the log file? I doubt it.

On Mar 3, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Roland Goretzki <> wrote:

> Hello list, hello Sarah,
> I think You should carefully read this complete mail, because it may
> solve many problems. :-)
> To revise Your .ly with the information from the log, you should always
> go top-down, that means You should firstly take the first error You see.
> That's because of many errors use to be errors resulting from previous
> error(s).
> In this case it is the error concernin line 27::
>  /Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 
> error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
>  violin = \new Voice \relative c' {
> Well, "unexpected STRING" means there was something not closed before,
> and so You can find that in line 10 there begins the violin 1 part, and
> this is not closed in line 25 (as You perhaps did assume), because the }
> in line 25 corresponds with the { in line 12. So You are missing the
> corresponding } to the { in line 10.
> Correcting this in line 25 writing "} }" instead of "}", You will find,
> that after new compliling the first error will be at line 35, which
> means, that the score before line 35 is quite correct for lily to
> compile it.
> And so on, I think You will find many mistakes one after another, which
> I found at a first glance, par example the next mistake is a superfluous
> } in line 32, resulting in the second error message concerning line 35.
> And so on.
> But one heavy multiple mistake You possibly wouldn't find by Yourself is
> the thing with the macro names of the violin parts:
> In line 10 You are starting the code for violin 1, which You want to
> have been written as "Violin 1", and in the macro You call it "violin",
> there is nothing wrong with it.
> But then, in line 27, You are starting the code for violin 2 (which You
> want to have been written as "Violin 2"), and You are using the same
> macro name "violin" as for violin 1. lilypond cannot handle this, so You
> have to chose a macro name different from the macro name for violin 1.
> Later, in the score section, You are using this macro as "\violin 2",
> which You didn't declare anywhere in the previous code. This is the one,
> but the other is, that You cannot say "violin 2" for the macro name,
> because of You may not use digits or blanks in macro names. Respecting
> this in the .ly-file I've sent You before, I called the two macro names
> "violin_I" and "violin_II", and it did compile fine. :-)
> HTH and good luck.
> Best Regards           Roland
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