2013/3/4 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Francisco Vila <paconet....@gmail.com> writes:
>> 2013/3/4 Christ van Willegen <cvwille...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Francisco,
>>> On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 12:32 PM, Francisco Vila
>>> <paconet....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I don't remember what the problem is about Frescobaldi on MacOS. All I
>>>> can say that is directly related to this is:
>>> Well, AFAIK (and I think I checked last week...) Frescobaldi does not
>>> have an 'easy install' for Mac OS-X. It is: Install this, and this
>>> (rom source) and mind that this is the correct version, and _then_....
>> In GNU/Linux it is a small nightmare to install. In Windows it is a
>> matter of next-next-next-done. I'd like to change this if I only knew
>> how to. The released lilypond binary is a model, I think. Single file,
>> all dependencies built-in. Somebody should tell Wilbert. And MacOS is
>> more urgent than GNU/Linux because the wider user base.
> "wider user base" is only relevant in relation to the "wider developer
> base" it causes in the long run, where "developer base" includes
> everything and everybody producing actual commits.
> GNU/Linux is more important in that regard since it is pretty much our
> _only_ development platform.  Even for people otherwise at home on other
> operating systems.  So it is doubly important that we don't have
> stumbling blocks requiring experienced users of GNU/Linux there.
> Now it is true that I likely don't have a good clue about the role of
> Frescobaldi in this universe.

What I really meant is that a monolithic, windows-style installer for
Frescoaldi on MacOs is more important than one for GNU/Linux because
GNU/Linux users are more likely to be able to face the rather
challenging compiling/installing process of Frescobaldi.

Important for Frescobaldi and indirectly also for LilyPond, IMO,
because I find Frescobaldi very user friendly and thus it lowers the
entry barrier to LilyPond.

No offense intended for users of any other OS than GNU/Linux.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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