Ok. wight he viola part and I'm still loosing track of my octaves it's not even 
funny. I know when to switch but I'm so used to playing on a keyboard I dunno 
if lily pond will switch or if I'll have a violist who will shoot me lol! 
(insert a very bad joke of my instructors here).

Anyways it looks ok, but there are still a  lot of errors I can't work out as I 
did this based of of a templet someone helped me with. Thanks. btw.

Here is the log.

 Processing `/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly'
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:27:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING

violin = \new Voice \relative c' {
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:38:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected >>

/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:49:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH

g fis  g  g |
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:77:21: error: 
syntax error, unexpected UNSIGNED
ees f f ees8\fermata 
                     48\fermata | <c, c'>1\fermata   >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:77:53: error: 
syntax error, unexpected >>
ees f f ees8\fermata 48\fermata | <c, c'>1\fermata   
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:80:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING

cello = \new Voice \relative c' {
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:99:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING

bass = \new Voice \relative c {
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:120:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected \score

\score {
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:123:34: error: 
syntax error, unexpected UNSIGNED
    \new staff << \global \violin 
                                  2 >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:124:26: error: 
unknown escaped string: `\viola'
    \new Staff << \global 
                          \viola >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:124:26: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING
    \new Staff << \global 
                          \viola >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:125:26: error: 
unknown escaped string: `\cello'
    \new Staff << \global 
                          \cello >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:125:26: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING
    \new Staff << \global 
                          \cello >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:126:26: error: 
unknown escaped string: `\bass'
    \new Staff << \global 
                          \bass >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:126:26: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING
    \new Staff << \global 
                          \bass >>
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:130:1: error: 
syntax error, unexpected end of input
warning: no music found in score
Interpreting music...
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music...
/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:54:55: 
warning: barcheck failed at: 1/4
\new Voice { \voiceTwo aes aes g c8\fermata r8\fermata 
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ps'...
Converting to `./string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.pdf'...
fatal error: failed files: "/Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 

Here is the .ly file

Attachment: string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly
Description: Binary data

 for someone's reference. I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this. Now 
the dynamics are missing but I can always add them in tonight. do I need to 
specify the paper size and stuff? I did not do this yet but that can come last. 
I was only worried about th emotes and I want my instructor to at least read 
the pdf.

This has been a good project and  I thank all of you who have and continued to 
help me through my journey.

If this ever gets played for real some ware and I doubt it will since to me it 
is awful, I hope I can record it. lol!

Take care all and be blessed.
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