Hello list, hello Sarah,

I think You should carefully read this complete mail, because it may
solve many problems. :-)

To revise Your .ly with the information from the log, you should always
go top-down, that means You should firstly take the first error You see.

That's because of many errors use to be errors resulting from previous

In this case it is the error concernin line 27::

  /Users/SA/Desktop/string score assignment number 1 03-01-2013.ly:27:0: error: 
syntax error, unexpected STRING

  violin = \new Voice \relative c' {

Well, "unexpected STRING" means there was something not closed before,
and so You can find that in line 10 there begins the violin 1 part, and
this is not closed in line 25 (as You perhaps did assume), because the }
in line 25 corresponds with the { in line 12. So You are missing the
corresponding } to the { in line 10.

Correcting this in line 25 writing "} }" instead of "}", You will find,
that after new compliling the first error will be at line 35, which
means, that the score before line 35 is quite correct for lily to
compile it.

And so on, I think You will find many mistakes one after another, which
I found at a first glance, par example the next mistake is a superfluous
} in line 32, resulting in the second error message concerning line 35.

And so on.

But one heavy multiple mistake You possibly wouldn't find by Yourself is
the thing with the macro names of the violin parts:

In line 10 You are starting the code for violin 1, which You want to
have been written as "Violin 1", and in the macro You call it "violin",
there is nothing wrong with it.

But then, in line 27, You are starting the code for violin 2 (which You
want to have been written as "Violin 2"), and You are using the same
macro name "violin" as for violin 1. lilypond cannot handle this, so You
have to chose a macro name different from the macro name for violin 1.

Later, in the score section, You are using this macro as "\violin 2",
which You didn't declare anywhere in the previous code. This is the one,
but the other is, that You cannot say "violin 2" for the macro name,
because of You may not use digits or blanks in macro names. Respecting
this in the .ly-file I've sent You before, I called the two macro names
"violin_I" and "violin_II", and it did compile fine. :-)

HTH and good luck.

Best Regards           Roland

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