Daniel Rosen <drose...@gmail.com> writes:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Kastrup [mailto:d...@gnu.org]
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:03 AM
>> To: Daniel Rosen
>> Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
>> Subject: Re: Footnotes to lyrics
>> Phooey.  I assume that "Lyric" was supposed to be the text of the lyrics,
>> right? 
> Correct.
>> Then the next thing to try would likely be writing \default before Lyrics
>> (to tell LilyPond that one really, really, really wants to skip the
>> specification of
>> a grob if I remember the 2.16 arguments correctly).
> The file compiles when I try this, but no footnote shows up. This syntax:
> \version "2.16.1"
> <<
>   \new Voice = "voice" { c' d' e' f' }
>   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" { \footnote #'(1 . 1) "footnote"
> \default "Lyric" }
> yields this error:
> warning: \footnote requires music or grob-name
>   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" { 
>                                   \footnote #'(1 . 1) "footnote"
>   \default "Lyric" }

Bah.  It might work to write \lyricmode { Lyric } instead of "Lyric",
possibly even without the \default.  While this creates an extra layer
of sequential music, this layer should be invisible to the \lyricsto

But yes: music functions inside of lyricmode clearly leave quite a bit
to be desired in 2.16.

Sorry for that.

> I'm guessing you're referring to the \auto-footnote markup
> command. That would indeed look better, but you're right--the output
> was identical to that of the example above, with no annotation showing
> up. This syntax:
> \version "2.16.1"
> <<
>   \new Voice = "voice" { c' d' e' f' }
>   \new Lyrics \lyricsto "voice" { \markup { \auto-footnote "Lyric"
> "footnote" } }
> >>
> yielded this error:
> programming error: Cannot find correct footnote for a markup object.
> continuing, cross fingers

Bug squad, can we get an issue for this one?

David Kastrup

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