David Kastrup wrote Thursday, February 28, 2013 7:37 AM

> Daniel Rosen <drose...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Trevor Daniels [mailto:t.dani...@treda.co.uk]
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:44 PM
>>> To: wjm; d...@gnu.org; Lilypond-User List
>>> Subject: Re: Footnotes to lyrics
>>> wjm wrote Wednesday, February 27, 2013 7:34 PM
>>> > From the NR LilyPond version 2.17.13
>>> > +++++++
>>> > Known issues and warnings
>>> >
>>> > Footnotes cannot be attached to MultiMeasureRests or automatic beams
>>> > or lyrics.
>>> >
>>> Yes; when I documented the footnote command I failed to find a way of
>>> adding a footnote to lyrics.  Hence this statement in the NR.
>>> And I raised a bug report at the time:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2819
>> Can anyone recommend a workaround in the meantime?
> The following actually works fine for me in 2.17.12:
> \score {
>  { c'4 c' c' c' }
>  \addlyrics
>  { \footnote #'(-2 . -2) \markup "text"
>    \markup Mu- sic is nice }
> }

But that produces the footnote symbol below and to the left of the
text, and joins it with a line.  Footnotes to lyrics are not written that
way.  The footnote symbol should appear as a superscript to the
right of the syllable with no joining line.  This can be done with 
markup, but it is messy.  Hence my bug report 2819 referenced

(Sorry this comment is rather belated - I was clearing out some old

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