Am 09.11.2012 14:55, schrieb Janek Warchoł:
Hi friends,

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 8:54 AM, David Kastrup <> wrote:
Janek wrote:
Imagine that next month David receives 10 times the money
he usually gets: we'd have David covered for next ~10 months,
More like the next 6 months. [snip explanation]
ok, i'm fine with that.
And i definitely didn't mean to say "let's give David only enough
money so that he won't starve"!

On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Graham Percival
<> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 08:25:56PM +0100, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
I think that there is 100% approval that you *do* such a huge amount
of work.  And you should be payed for that IMHO.
I have problems with the second sentence -- nothing personal,
just a general reluctance to support any statement of the form
"X should be paid for Y" without further qualifications.
I have an impression that we interpret the word "should" slightly different.
I *suppose* Werner meant "David's work is worth being paid for, it would
be good if David received payment for work".

On Thu, Nov 08, 2012 at 01:30:58PM -0800, Jim Long wrote:
I think that there is 100% agreement that David should continue
to work on LilyPond.
With my previous paragraph in mind, I disagree; thus there is not
100\% agreement.
Again, i *suppose* that Jim meant something slightly different, more
like "I think that there is 100% agreement that we would like David to
continue developing LilyPond."
Hmm - since my mother tongue is not English, I am probably
not aware of such subtleties. Due to this lack of knowledge
I had no idea how to interpret Graham's mail correctly.
Perhaps your interpretation is correct.

Anyway, i suggest not to continue discussing the subtleties of the
word "should" (and any moral obligations that might be implied by this
word) *using email*.  I'm afraid discussing this via email can easily
cause misunderstandings and conflict; i strongly recommend using a
voice chat for that purpose and i'll gladly join any chat you'd like
to have this weekend.

Well, I don't feel a *conflict* situation here, but that may be
founded in me born in the "wrong" piece of earth ;-)

If there really *is* a conflict/misunderstanding here, the
concerning parties *should* try to solve it: via private mail,
voice chat, whatever.

Phew, trying to find a smart way to enable parts of money
being transferred to the right persons more easily seems
to be a complex task...



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