David Kastrup writes:

> It is not really "almost",

Okay..at what % of David are we, then?

> and I am not easily interchangeable as there are some things I am
> pretty good at, and some things I am pretty bad at.

Good :-)

> So if there was enough money to go around, I'd
> recommend not getting another David for it but rather looking for
> someone with a different skill (and deficiency) set.

Agree, that would be nice.

> Let's worry about that when the situation arises.  I don't see that
> happening without finding a fundamentally different source of financing.

Possibly, however, you never know.  Especially given the fact that
sponsoring/donating to a global LilyPond effort is apparently not
being advertised sufficiently.

> With the current model I don't see cost/benefit distributed in a really
> satisfactory way.

Not really sure what you mean here...who is is that finds things
dissatisfactory, and what would she like to change?

> Well, "cannot even barely sustain two developers" does not sound like a
> huge step forward in sustainability.  So one step after the other.



Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
Freelance IT http://JoyofSource.com | Avatar®  http://AvatarAcademy.nl  

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