First of all I would like to thank everyone who have been so very
helpful in responding to my latest email queries concerning Lilypond. I
have at least one more (for now) and am getting rather frustrated with
this one.
I am quite new to lilypond-book, and am attempting to add a somewhat
complex (but short) score to an existing LaTeX document. I want to add
more short 'scores' to this document to include everything the Choir
sings while (with LaTeX) having everything the Priest and Deacon says
there as well. I am attaching 3 files that have chronicles my journey
thus far.
When I compile from the latex document using:
/lilypond-book --pdf filename.lytex
pdflatex filename.tex
/I end up with a pdf with no music, just some code where the music
should be. Any help is appreciated greatly.
/Best wishes (In Christ), /
/Philip (Michael) Dykes /
\version "2.16.0"
\include ""
\include ""
\layout {
\Score \override SpacingSpanner #'packed-spacing = ##f
\Lyrics \override LyricHyphen #'minimum-distance = #2.2
\override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.8
\header {
title = \markup {
\override #'(font-name . "URW Chancery L") \fontsize #5.0 \bold
{ "The Anaphora" } }
poet = \markup {
\override #'(font-name . "Arial Black") \fontsize #1.75 \bold
{ "Kievan Chant" } }
composer = \markup {
\override #'(font-name . "Arial Black") \fontsize #1.75 \bold
{ "arr. by Michael Dykes" } }
% #(set-global-staff-size 22)
global = {
\key f \major
\override Staff.NoteHead #'style = #'altdefault
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
%\override Staff.BarLine #'stencil = ##f
\set Score.defaultBarType = "empty"
\bar "|."
move = { \bar "" \break }
soprano = \relative c' {
% Music follows here.
f4 f f f e f g2 g4 f e f\breve \bar "|."
bass = \relative c {
% Music follows here.
f4 f f f c c c2 c4 c c f\breve \bar "|."
verse = \lyricmode {
% Lyrics follow here.
A mer -- cy of peace,
a sac -- ri -- fice of praise.
\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff \with {
midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "S/T"}
} <<
\new Voice = "soprano" { \voiceOne \soprano }
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" \verse
\new Staff \with {
midiInstrument = "string ensemble 1"
instrumentName = \markup \center-column { "A/B" }
} <<
\clef bass
\new Voice = "bass" { \voiceTwo \bass }
\layout { ragged-last=##t
#(layout-set-staff-size 22)
\midi {
\tempo 4 = 150
convert-ly (GNU LilyPond) 2.16.0 convert-ly: Processing `'...
Applying conversion: 2.15.7, 2.15.9, 2.15.10, 2.15.16, 2.15.17,
2.15.18, 2.15.19, 2.15.20, 2.15.25, 2.15.32, 2.15.39, 2.15.40,
2.15.42, 2.15.43, 2.16.0
% % % Top Matter % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
\title{The Anaphora}
\textbf{Deacon:} Let us stand aright. Let us stand with fear. Let us attend,
that we may offer the holy Oblation in peace.\\
\textbf{Priest:} The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the
Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.\\
\textbf{Choir: } And with Thy spirit. \\
\textbf{Priest:} Let us lift up our hearts. \\
\textbf{Choir:} We lift them up unto the Lord.\\
\textbf{Priest:} Let us give thanks unto the Lord. \\
\textbf{Choir:} It is meet and right to worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
the Trinity one in essence and undivided. \\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{It is meet and right to hymn Thee, to bless Thee, to
praise Thee, to give thanks unto Thee, and to worship Thee in every place of
Thy dominion, for thou art God inexpressibie, inconceivable, invisible,
incomprehensible, everexisting, eternally the same, thou and Thine
Only-Begotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit. Thou didst bring us from nonexistence
into being, and when we had fallen away, didst raise us up again, and didst not
cease to do all things until thou hadst brought us up to heaven, and hadst
bestowed upon us Thy kingdom, which is to come. For all these things we give
thanks unto Thee, and to Thine Only-Begotten Son, and to Thy Holy Spirit, for
all things of which we know and of which we know not, for the benefits both
revealed and unrevealed, which have been done for us. And we give thanks unto
Thee for this service which thou hast vouchsafed to accept from our hands, even
though there stand beside Thee thousands of Archangels and ten thousands of
Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed, borne aloft on their
\textbf{Priest:} Singing the hymn of victory, shouting, crying, and saying: \\
\textbf{Choir:} Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth, heaven and earth are full of
Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the
Lord. Hosanna in the highest.\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{With these blessed Powers, we also, O Master, Lover
of man, cry and say, Holy art thou and all-holy, thou and Thine Only-Begotten
Son, and Thy Holy Spirit; holy art thou and all-holy, and magnificent is Thy
glory, Who hast so loved Thy world as to give Thine Only-Begotten Son that all
that believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life, Who when He had
come and had fulfilled all the dispensation for us, in the night in which He
was given up, or rather, gave Himself up, for the life of the world, took bread
in His holy and immaculate and blameless hands, and when He had given thanks,
and blessed it, and hallowed it, and broken it, He gave it to His holy
disciples and apostles, saying: }\\
\textbf{Priest:} Take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you, for the
forgiveness of sins. \\
\textbf{Choir:} Amen.\\
\textbf{Priest:} Drink ye all of this; this is my blood of the New Testament,
which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. \\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{Remembering this saving commandment and all those
things which came to pass for us: the cross, the grave, the resurrection on the
third day, the ascension into heaven, the sitting down at the right hand, the
second and glorious coming again.}\\
\textbf{Priest:} Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee on behalf of all and
for all. \\
\textbf{Choir:} We hymn Thee, we bless Thee, we give thanks unto Thee, O Lord,
and we pray unto Thee, O our God. \\
\textbf{Priest:} Again we offer unto Thee this rational and bloodless worship,
and we call upon Thee and pray Thee, and supplicate Thee: send down Thy Holy
Spirit upon us and upon these Gifts set forth.\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{O Lord, who at the third hour didst send down Thine
all-holy Spirit upon Thine Apostles, take not the same from us, O Good One, but
renew Him in us who pray unto Thee.}\\
\textbf{Deacon:} \textit{A clean heart create in me, O God, and a right spirit
renew in my inmost parts. }\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{O Lord, who at the third hour \ldots} \\
\textbf{Deacon:} \textit{Cast me not away from Thy face, and take not Thy Holy
Spirit from me.}\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{O Lord, who at the third hour \ldots} \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Bless, Master, the holy bread.\\
\textbf{Priest:} And make this bread the precious Body of Thy Christ. \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Amen. \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Bless, Master, the holy cup. \\
\textbf{Priest:} And that which is in this cup the precious Blood of Thy
Christ. \\
\textbf{Choir:} Amen.\\
\textbf{Deacon:} Bless, Master, both.\\
\textbf{Priest:} Changing them by Thy Holy Spirit. \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Amen. Amen. Amen.\\
\textbf{Deacon:} Remember me a sinner, holy Master. \\
\textbf{Priest:} May the Lord God remember thee in His kingdom always, now and
ever, and unto ages of ages.\\
% % % Top Matter % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
\title{The Anaphora}
\textbf{Deacon:} Let us stand aright. Let us stand with fear. Let us attend, that we may offer the holy Oblation in peace.\\
\parindent 0pt
\ifx\preLilyPondExample \undefined
\ifx\postLilyPondExample \undefined
\textbf{Priest:} The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.\\
\textbf{Choir: } And with Thy spirit. \\
\textbf{Priest:} Let us lift up our hearts. \\
\textbf{Choir:} We lift them up unto the Lord.\\
\textbf{Priest:} Let us give thanks unto the Lord. \\
\textbf{Choir:} It is meet and right to worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Trinity one in essence and undivided. \\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{It is meet and right to hymn Thee, to bless Thee, to praise Thee, to give thanks unto Thee, and to worship Thee in every place of Thy dominion, for thou art God inexpressibie, inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, everexisting, eternally the same, thou and Thine Only-Begotten Son and Thy Holy Spirit. Thou didst bring us from nonexistence into being, and when we had fallen away, didst raise us up again, and didst not cease to do all things until thou hadst brought us up to heaven, and hadst bestowed upon us Thy kingdom, which is to come. For all these things we give thanks unto Thee, and to Thine Only-Begotten Son, and to Thy Holy Spirit, for all things of which we know and of which we know not, for the benefits both revealed and unrevealed, which have been done for us. And we give thanks unto Thee for this service which thou hast vouchsafed to accept from our hands, even though there stand beside Thee thousands of Archangels and ten thousands of Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim, six-winged, many-eyed, borne aloft on their wings.}\\
\textbf{Priest:} Singing the hymn of victory, shouting, crying, and saying: \\
\textbf{Choir:} Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord of Sabaoth, heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{With these blessed Powers, we also, O Master, Lover of man, cry and say, Holy art thou and all-holy, thou and Thine Only-Begotten Son, and Thy Holy Spirit; holy art thou and all-holy, and magnificent is Thy glory, Who hast so loved Thy world as to give Thine Only-Begotten Son that all that believe in Him should not perish but have eternal life, Who when He had come and had fulfilled all the dispensation for us, in the night in which He was given up, or rather, gave Himself up, for the life of the world, took bread in His holy and immaculate and blameless hands, and when He had given thanks, and blessed it, and hallowed it, and broken it, He gave it to His holy disciples and apostles, saying: }\\
\textbf{Priest:} Take, eat, this is my body, which is broken for you, for the forgiveness of sins. \\
\textbf{Choir:} Amen.\\
\textbf{Priest:} Drink ye all of this; this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. \\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{Remembering this saving commandment and all those things which came to pass for us: the cross, the grave, the resurrection on the third day, the ascension into heaven, the sitting down at the right hand, the second and glorious coming again.}\\
\textbf{Priest:} Thine own of Thine own we offer unto Thee on behalf of all and for all. \\
\textbf{Choir:} We hymn Thee, we bless Thee, we give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, and we pray unto Thee, O our God. \\
\textbf{Priest:} Again we offer unto Thee this rational and bloodless worship, and we call upon Thee and pray Thee, and supplicate Thee: send down Thy Holy Spirit upon us and upon these Gifts set forth.\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{O Lord, who at the third hour didst send down Thine all-holy Spirit upon Thine Apostles, take not the same from us, O Good One, but renew Him in us who pray unto Thee.}\\
\textbf{Deacon:} \textit{A clean heart create in me, O God, and a right spirit renew in my inmost parts. }\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{O Lord, who at the third hour \ldots} \\
\textbf{Deacon:} \textit{Cast me not away from Thy face, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me.}\\
\textbf{Priest:} \textit{O Lord, who at the third hour \ldots} \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Bless, Master, the holy bread.\\
\textbf{Priest:} And make this bread the precious Body of Thy Christ. \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Amen. \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Bless, Master, the holy cup. \\
\textbf{Priest:} And that which is in this cup the precious Blood of Thy Christ. \\
\textbf{Choir:} Amen.\\
\textbf{Deacon:} Bless, Master, both.\\
\textbf{Priest:} Changing them by Thy Holy Spirit. \\
\textbf{Deacon:} Amen. Amen. Amen.\\
\textbf{Deacon:} Remember me a sinner, holy Master. \\
\textbf{Priest:} May the Lord God remember thee in His kingdom always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.\\
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