jaja <jajaja...@gmail.com> writes:

> Thanks David for your help.
> In fact, have my score in *.ly and a fresh MikTeX 2.9 system on my windows
> 7.
> My uttermost problem is that I don't know how to get Lilypond to typeset my
> language (khmer unicode). I've tried the following but lilypond produce a
> pdf which can't be read properly:
>    \markup{\override #'(font-name. "Khmer OS") {"ព្រះជាម្ចាស់"}
> I thought by calling lilypond from Latex would eliminate the problem but it
> seems the same.

LilyPond is not called from LaTeX when using lilypond-book.  LaTeX just
gets to include the finished graphics.

> Is lilypond capable of encoding utf-8 of Khmer Unicode because I know MikTeX
> can do this very well.
> Thanks a lot for your answer David!
> God bless


\markup{\override #'(font-name. "Khmer OS") "ព្រះជាម្ចាស់"}

I get the attached file as result which looks just fine to me.  What
problem do you see?  I use the current development version.  What's your

David Kastrup

Attachment: junk.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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